Markets Tank but this idea flew to new highs

Dah dah dah dah dah I’m lovin' it

Well, markets took another deep dive today sinking from $603s high into the $596s for SPY which was great for my “Trade of the day” SPY puts idea in Market Navigator.

However, if there is ONE unicorn out there today it’s McDonalds and lucky for Weekly Wiretap members that WAS my “Play of the Week!”

This morning I did a writeup on why I liked MCD calls for this week. I mean last week it had a strong performance on Thursday and even Friday when the markets got crushed.

On top of that “buck the trend” move last week, MCD was a recent earnings “winner” for the most part. Sure it struggled some with E-coli issues but international sales were solid and the value menu I think will prove to be a great addition going forward.

Lastly, MCD was a great “Call” trade idea for me because it’s a great dividend stock so I felt this recent pullback over the last 10 days or so would be attractive for longer term investors.

So, how did the trade idea play out? 

Well, I bought MCD calls at $2.20 and alerted my entry as you can see from the chart below; those are actual “App alert” images I send to Weekly Wiretaps members smartphones. Notice you can see the alert BEFORE I buy and sell also, not just after I buy or sell. I call this advance notice and it’s a nice feature for people who want some “heads up.”

Fast forward less than 1 hour and MCD calls ran from $2.20 to nearly $5 dollars! EVEN WITH MARKETS TANKING!

A strong potential 100% move for Weekly Wiretap members. 

*Note: Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

I was happy with about 66% here personally in about 30 minutes but wow, what a monster.

If you haven’t seen yet, Weekly Wiretaps is my #1 SWING trade idea every Monday morning. The service comes with an email write up around 9am Monday along with App alerts before I buy or sell the trade idea for those who are busy working and want some heads up like I said above. 

Interested in learning more about Weekly Wiretaps

This is a great opportunity right now with a nice low price price tag to get started.


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